HomeReviewsAccessory reviewsX-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer Review

X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer Review


Do you run your life like you run your desk? Is it messy, cluttered and full of rubbish? Or clean, minimal, basic? 

We’re not here to tell you that you need to change up your lifestyle as a whole, but we are here to tell you that the X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer is available to help. 

As gamers, we manage to get our hands on all manner of things. A phone for keeping in contact and running Game Pass sessions. A watch for ease of social notifications. A gaming headset for chatting with mates. Figurines and knickknacks picked up from the most strange of shops or internet storefronts. The X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer allows you to bring all those items together, tidying up your desk as it goes. It adds a bit of bling to proceedings too. 

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X-Plant Organizer Stock Photo fully loaded

So what have we got in the X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer? Well, it’s a fairly simple piece of kit to be honest. A single slab of black plastic runs for some 240mm in length and 90mm in width. Rubber feet hold it firmly in place, whilst a single USB-C port on the rear provides power, with a USB-C to USB-A cable included in the box. You’ll have to provide the power supply though.

From there, the magic happens. A black and silver storage and display case tower emerges from the left side of the base plate, rising 250mm into the sky. It’s this which runs a smooth touch, textured silicone roof, allowing you to place any kind of gaming headset over the top; held in place nicely. That tower also has a removable rear section ensuring you can place your smallest, most precious of gaming keepsakes inside. Two clear shelves sit inside, allowing you to hold three of your best souvenirs. 

From the outside the front of the tower is black, but once you connect the X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer to power, a tiny touch sensitive button on the front provides light from the inside-out. Five colour hues – three depths of warm, natural and bright whites, a red and a blue – can then be cycled, lighting up your display items. Honestly, we didn’t think it would be of much appeal, but there’s definitely a sense of joy in seeing your most treasured of gaming items lit up. As Xbox gamers though, we’d have adored the chance to filter in a green too. Just be aware, whatever you look to display will need to be fairly small as the tower is only some 40mm in width. Fitting in the figurine from our Mato Anomalies Press Kit is a no-go. 

Adding to the X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer is an integrated wireless charging pad. Slap bang in the centre of the black base plate, we’ve found this to happily charge our Pixel phones, albeit with the coil inside maxing out at 10w. It works pretty flawlessly though, without too much need to delicately place the phone in any optimal spot. We’ve found it to ‘just work’. And you can’t ask for more than that.  

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The X-Plant in all its glory

On the far right of that base plate is the inclusion of a small – super shiny – tree branch accessory holder. Perfect for a Pixel watch or the like, this is a stylish little addition to the X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer. But that said, it does feel a little pointless. Granted, those looking for a place to store a watch or ring may find some use, but we are fairly minimal in terms of jewellery and our watch is usually placed on our wrist. But hey, it’s there if you want it. 

And that’s your lot with the X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer. A simple charging base that comes with the addition of a neat little storage and display case that doubles up as a headphone holder. If you’re in need of a tidy up, or want to ensure your desk stays as minimal as possible, the X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer is probably worth a smidgen of consideration. Whether that consideration stretches to the $89.99 asking price is another matter…

Huge thanks go out to XLayout for providing us with the X-Plant All-in-One Headphone Stand Organizer for review. Grab one for yourself if you’ve got the money to burn. 

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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