HomeReviews4.5/5 ReviewBeyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Review

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Review


I’ll tell you something, Ubisoft doesn’t make things easy. They have made some truly incredible games over the years, but are taking less and less risks as of late, instead playing it safe with the bigger franchises (Just Dance? Please). For me, some of my favourite projects have seemingly been lost to the depths of time. The Splinter Cell remake, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remaster and Beyond Good & Evil 2 all missing in action (broadly speaking) as the wait goes on.

Imagine my surprise and squeals of delight then when Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition was basically released by accident briefly, after rumours and leaks persisted that the project existed. Talk about one extreme to the other. Well the game is finally (officially) here, and I have had the pleasure to go back and once again experience life on Hillys under the constant threat of alien invasion.

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Review 1
Heading back to Hillys

For those new to Beyond Good & Evil, you play as young journalist Jade who is very handy with a camera and has a knack for uncovering the truth. The mining planet Hillys is under the control of the Alpha Sections, who constantly reassure the population they will defend them against the attacks from the “DomZ”. These alien creatures are widely believed to be behind several abductions, and Jade lives in an island lighthouse where she cares for many orphans who are a tragic by-product of the war with the DomZ.

It doesn’t take long for it to transpire that not all is as it seems, and Jade is plunged into a world of mystery, threat and conspiracy. Thankfully she is not alone as her friend and father figure Pey’j, who also happens to be handy with a wrench, provides much needed backup on their adventure.

You’ll visit all sorts of places in Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition which could be described as dungeons. On these missions Jade’s core aim is to photograph evidence, and take it back to the organisation IRIS, who are looking to expose the truth about events on Hillys. You can take a snap at any time too, and are encouraged to photograph any creatures you happen across. This builds a catalogue for the research centre and you will be rewarded for doing so. It’s integrated seamlessly into the game, and apparent dead ends may just be home to an animal that you won’t find elsewhere. 

This is one example of how the original game felt ahead of its time, and still stands up really well to this day. Another example of this is the fact that Jade will have companions on her missions (for the most part) who are crucial not only for progressing, but also for fighting off enemies too. Agent Double H is not only a faithful partner, but also the genius behind some genuinely hilarious comedy moments. Some doors, for example, will require two simultaneous button presses or even specific key cards to open. You will also need to monitor your ally’s health and swap items across inventories to ensure they survive battles. All of a sudden you could then be thrown into a stealth section where Jade will need to creep around and avoid detection.

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Review 4
Make the most of that camera

It sounds simple now, but I remember being blown away by the creativity at the time. This feeling is weaved into the game from start to finish, with Jade even ending up travelling to the moon as part of her adventure. Beyond Good & Evil was a game which shook off traditional structure, and felt like a free flowing, open world game in the context of 2003.

It works so well because it’s a truly varied experience, mixing different gameplay elements and ideas. Jade travels around Hillys on her hovercraft which can be upgraded throughout the game to access new areas. To do so, pearls hidden throughout the land can be traded with black market mechanics who will carry out the necessary upgrades. You’ll need to earn cash too, mainly from snapping creatures on your travels, which is then used to purchase all sorts of upgrades and items such as pearl detectors, upgrades and even new costumes.

Combat in Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition is fairly simple. Jade relies on her daï-jo fighting staff to see off opponents. Her attacks are mainly simple swipes, but can be combined or charged to deal more damage. She can also fire projectiles to attack from a safe distance directly from her trusty camera, as well as solve numerous puzzles along the way.

Aside from the main story there is a generous amount of other stuff Jade can get up to. Looters caverns are particularly fun, as you have to chase thieves through tight tunnels and race against the clock to prevent being locked out by self closing doors. Or you can jump into races against other hovercraft if you fancy a different challenge. Your curiosity is often rewarded with hidden pearls, and you can even kick back in the local bar and play air hockey against the locals. Hillys and its population centres feel alive and bustling with realistic, well thought out characters and experiences.

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Review 3
Curiosity is rewarded

So far so familiar, so what’s changed? Well, Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition lovingly updates how the game looks whilst staying faithful to the original in a similar approach as Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft.

It’s sharper, smoother and Michel Ancel’s wonderful vision is done justice by modern technology. However, for me it’s the soundtrack which remains so special. It’s an enchanting score, but also transcends so many different cultures and genres. It sounds better than ever, marrying up beautifully with the enhanced 4K 60fps visuals.

There have been quality of life improvements too in Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition. The most significant is the fact that remembering to save at the MDisk readers is a thing of the past thanks to autosave, which is a relief. Cross-save is also available, and the ability to skip through the cutscenes if you wish to. Oh and rather intriguingly, a Speedrun mode has also been added. 

However, the most exciting content comes in the form of a slew of galleries and behind the scenes nuggets of info charting the development of the game from inception to release and beyond. Even images such as the box artwork brought back so many memories. Oh, and there is a little something else which I won’t spoil here. Fans of the original are sure to be delighted with these additions.

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Review 2
Highly recommended

For those who haven’t played the original, I cannot recommend Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition enough. It’s a wonderfully original, creative game that, above all else, is a masterclass in storytelling. It manages to be funny, intriguing and chilling, sometimes all at once. It has three dimensional, brilliantly realised characters that you will genuinely care about. It’s a testament to its design that 20 years later, Beyond Good & Evil stands up so well.

For those who were there in 2003 (like myself), it’s absolutely worth heading back and experiencing this bonafide classic all over again. Oh and at £17.99, it’s an absolute bargain. So please Ubisoft, enough is enough, let’s see Beyond Good and Evil 2 already!

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition is a faithful remaster. It may not radically change or update the source material, but that matters little thanks to its brilliance.


  • Subtle but impressive graphical updates
  • Magnificent soundtrack is still a joy
  • Galleries and extras are proper fan service
  • Diverse and brilliant gameplay stands up well today
  • Wonderfully impactful storytelling
  • Occasionally shows its age
  • Massive thanks for the free copy of the game, Ubisoft
  • Formats - Xbox Series X|S (review), Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Switch, PC
  • Release date and price - 25 June 2024 | £17.99
Darren Edwards
Darren Edwards
I have been playing games since a very early age, thanks to my Dad's encouragement. I've been an Xbox gamer since the very beginning, the Master Chief is to thank for that. I'm also a big Nintendo geek, and my other half is a PlayStation nut. I'll play pretty much anything in any genre (although FIFA and COD maybe pushing it).
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<b>Pros:</b> <ul> <li>Subtle but impressive graphical updates</li> <li>Magnificent soundtrack is still a joy</li> <li>Galleries and extras are proper fan service</li> <li>Diverse and brilliant gameplay stands up well today</li> <li>Wonderfully impactful storytelling</li> </ul> <b>Cons:</b> <ul> <li>Occasionally shows its age</li> </ul> <b>Info:</b> <ul> <li>Massive thanks for the free copy of the game, Ubisoft</li> <li>Formats - Xbox Series X|S (review), Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Switch, PC <li>Release date and price - 25 June 2024 | £17.99</li> </ul>Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition Review
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