Xbox 360 Reviews

JUJU Review

After releasing evil spirits into his world, JUJU is off on a mission, a mission to save his father. But will visiting the world of JUJU bring anything useful to your gaming life or is it basically just a game for the kids?

MX vs ATV Supercross Review

Stick me behind the wheel of a car and tell me to drive round the same piece of tarmac over and over again and I’ll be in heaven. The same must therefore be true if you stick me on a bike, give me a dirt track and get me to do the same. Shouldn’t it?

Escape Dead Island Review

Escape Dead Island aims to fill a gap, tell a story and bring us a little more zombie bashing whilst we wait patiently for Dead Island 2. Is it worth a playthrough for all but the most hardened of zombie killers?

Assassin’s Creed Rogue Review

There’s no debating that Assassin’s Creed Unity has taken it’s fair share of the more recent Assassin’s Creed headlines, but AC Rogue has been released in tandem with it’s big it just as good?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze – Review

The turtles are returning to console after a few non-favourable outings in the hope that this newest game Danger of the Ooze, which is based on the Nickelodeon show, can stand out for all the right reasons.

F1 2014 Review

Codemasters are back with the latest iteration of their top selling official Formula One title. But does F1 2014 have enough to attract all but the most hardened F1 fans?

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution – Review

Naruto Uzumaki is back once again in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. Will it be a bigger hit than a Tailed Beast Bomb? Or will it feel like they are all out of chakra and need to take a break?

Destiny – Review

When a hugely successful developer like Bungie (you know, the Halo creators) takes on a new project it’s only natural for the expectations to be high. Will this interstellar game, Destiny, rock our world?

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5: No Going Back Review

Whilst Episode 4 was a bit of a quiet affair, the final chapter of The Walking Dead Season Two is now with us….was it a case of taking in the calm before the storm that is Episode 5 ‘No Going Back’?

Risen 3 Titan Lords Review

Rum is great. Especially if you want to try and forget that your soul has been removed and you’re wandering around a world full of pirates, tribesmen, strange monsters and frustration.

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4: Amid the Ruins Review

The penultimate episode of The Walking Dead Season 2 is now with us. Can ‘Amid the Ruins’ keep the season on track or will...

Sacred 3 – Review

The thought of an action/hack’n’slash role-playing game which puts a hefty focus on co-operative play sounds like a winning formula to me, in principle. Does it pan out that way though?

Magic 2015 – Duels of the Planeswalkers – Review

Currently Magic is regarded as number one amongst the physical world, can they be sure Magic 2015 DotP delivers on the digital front? Are the improvements, if there are any, worthy of purchasing the latest instalment?

The Wolf Among Us Episode 5: Cry Wolf Review

Cry Wolf sees The Wolf Among Us come to an end. But will the finale see Bigby bring the Fabletown killer to justice or...

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark Review

The latest Transformers movie is out in the cinemas right now, but will the latest offering from Activision just be another one of those mediocre movie tie-ins or will Rise of the Dark Spark actually rise above the rest?

Valiant Hearts: The Great War Review

The Great War. Normally depicted in the form of a first person shooter. Occasionally shown from the over-the-shoulder view. Never re-enacted as a scrolling comic platformer.

GRID: Autosport Review

GRID Autosport promises to get back to its roots and give gaming fans an insight into the world of contemporary motorsport but will Autosport turn out to be the jack of all trades but the master of none?

Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Review

Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack has finally been released on the Xbox 360. Has the transition to Xbox 360 been a smooth one with its original charm retained, or has it left 360 owners feeling a bit bloated?

The Wolf Among Us Episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing Review

The Wolf Among Us Episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing brings the latest Fabletown shenanigans straight to your 360. Will Bigby finally discover the serial killer, or does the story take yet another twist?

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Xbox 360 Review

Xbox One owners have been able to experience the story of Max, his brother Felix and the evil Mustacho since the end of last year but now, nearly six months on, Microsoft Studios and Press Play have got 360 gamers covered.

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