If you eat Elden Ring for breakfast, have at it, but the rest of us mere mortals will have to approach Skelethrone: The Chronicles of Ericona much more cautiously.
How much you enjoy Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery depends on how much you like hidden object games so it’s difficult to be objective in this regard.
Magical Delicacy has some tasty elements - the game looks gorgeous and revealing more of the map as you discover new, previously unreachable locations is exciting. However, there are quite a few annoying aspects we just can’t ignore.
With achievements and Gamerscore flowing, if you’re looking to spend some time fitting your feline friends into a grid, over and over again, then Fit My Cat does the business.
If you want a bit of tension in your gaming, something that is capable of raising your blood pressure, then Scholar's Mate could be a nice bit of medicine.